New and Exciting Opportunity for mental health and wellness professionals. We are a growing practice and bringing many new Groups and holistic approaches together. We have two locations: WEST BRIDGEWATER, MA OFFICE Our existing group practice in West Bridgewater. We are expanding and currently accepting full-time as well as part-time clinicians. As our business expands we will be offering many new features including art groups, yoga, trauma work, and summer programs. We have a shared waiting room and 2 bathrooms. Parking includes two handicapped spots and plenty of free parking. This warm and inviting space is conveniently located, close to Rt. 24 and Rt.
495. SOMERSET, MA OFFICE Open new practice in Somerset, MA recently completed renovations and can now accommodate more clinicians that are seeking to work collaboratively. It is a beautiful space with ample free parking, a shared waiting room, and one bathroom. This office is close to rte6, 195 and 95. JOIN US Flexible hours and availability. Both practices specialize in the fields of child, adolescent, adult, and marriage and family. Please visit our FOR THERAPIST page for more information on joining our practice. Feel free to contact Marydanielle Verrier, to learn more.
Marydanielle Verrier, LADC1 is a Therapist and Founder of Serenity Counseling and Wellness Center PC with offices in West Bridgewater and Somerset, Massachusetts. Visit our FOR THERAPISTS page to learn more about joining her team of mental health and wellness professionals.